Well I woke up this morning with a KILLER migraine. I am not sure what brought it on but next came the vertigo. Thank goodness my husband was able to come home and help me. I was unable to even stand without losing my balance. He got me in bed and then gave me all of my very strong medicine for the migraines and vertigo. I was out like a light, and have honestly been in a fog the rest of the day. I did however this afternoon do some work. I am about an hour from finishing my bathroom remodel. I AM SO EXCITED! I wanted to put up some before and during pictures. So here is the before, I know it is terrible. I ahve hated these floors ever since we purchased the house but never have changed them, so Instead I decided a more inexspnsive option would be to chage the decore.

Here the paneling is up and the walls are painted.
Here is the begining of painting. Let me tell you, it took 6 coats of paint!! And here is the handy tool I made for painting behind the toilet. I know you can just undo the toilet and move it, but seriously no thanks! I just used a peice of craft wood, a ruler would work too, a peice of foam, and painters tape to hold it on! Yea me for figuring it out and not taking my toilet apart.
Ok So I will post the after pictures as soon as it is 100% Probably tomorrow... stay tuned!