Ok so I have been away, but it turned into a CRAZY few weeks. First of all, traveling for Christmas, Parties, New Years, traveling some more, I have been SICK for 2 weeks and well we may be moving! So you can imagine I am a tad distracted. But since the past few weeks are a blur I will use a few pictures to give you a glimpse and remind myself! First up, My DEAR SWEET Great Aunt Bea. She is the only thing I have that remotely resembles a grand-parent as my biological ones have long sense passed. ( when I was a kid) So Aunt Bea has assumed the role, whole-heartedly I might add! She is the best, FUNNIEST lady and I am SO blessed to have her!
So to kick off the season we started with a little party at a friends house! The day LESLEY wore a pull-up for the first time!
She really likes being a big girl
Ok so then we hit the road to go to Augusta, GA the holidays with the in-laws. Up first was a trip to a beautiful light show in east nowhere GA. It was great except for the the temp, 35 degrees, and my lack of preparedness I was wearing LOAFERS! HA!
SO, after the great thaw (the ride home from the light show) I still had to wrap presents. But I had been up for 16 hours, had the day from you know where, and I had frostbite. SO I wasn't as concerned with perfection when wrapping like usual. HA! Here is the photo evidence my husband took while mocking me!
I mean really what are you supposed to do with this...
Wes would normally not mock me, especially when I have scissors at the ready, but I normally mock him mercilessly for his TERRIBLE wrapping skills, so it was his payback.

So then there was Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, otherwise known aas my 21 month got overwhelmed and we had to call it quits for a while! HA
But once attitudes were better we resumed Christmas!
Notice that face I am making, Not really sure what that is, but I am too lazy to find a better one!
My nephew got a big ole car, and they had more fun riding it Christmas Day!
Lesley showing off the shirt I made her for Christmas dinner. I am still upset I do not have picture of her dressed up from Christmas Eve services, but alas, I have a 21 month old. It is a miracle I remember to put on deodarant.
Ok so home from Augusta, and my darling cousin Audra came to visit. I am a photographer and we are working on some concept work I have and she was a good sport and modeled for me!
BTW Audra "Auab" is Lesley's FAVORITE person EVER!
So new years was totally uneventful as my sickness was starting to kick my butt and Lesley was/ is still cutting cutting 4 teeth! So we hung around the house... I am pretty sure we dont even have a picture. But we enjoyed chinese food, sweet and sour chicken which Lesley named "hiney chicken" God I love this child!
SO, my sickness, well that pretty much gets us current I am still sick. I go through waves of FREEZING and sweltering! Another hubby mocking pic.
Notice I am under the covers, with 2 layers of clothes and a ear warmer, oh and I was sitting in a heating pad!
But we were so sick, hubby tried to go get meds... he didnt have much luck!
So even sick we had to play, there is still snow on the ground 3 days later, and it is COLD OUTSIDE! Thanks for sticking with me for a long post, and I am glad to be back!
Welcome back! Looks like you had a fun holiday:)