Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My Father

As I was preparing to write this tonight I was hit with wonder and awe, I have had several things relate back to a single idea all day. The idea that God gives and takes away. The thought that strikes me is that you never know when either will be a blessing. So then, as I was logging in to write this post, (I detoured to Faccebook) the peice that ties it all together was in front of me. I friend who is a flight attendant posted
"God blesses those people who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him" James 1:12 
she was refrencing the fact that she is working 3 legs tonight with cranky people. LOL! Then, I read the post of another friend. Her cousin lost a son today. She had BG twins, and while at daycare the boy was put down for a nap, and no one noticed that he didnt wake up. God gives and takes away. Why? What is his reason? i have fought these thoughts so much over the last few months, to the point of depression. Then about 2 months ago I realized the trial can also be a blessing. Now I am not saying that losing a child is a blessing, but I was illustrating how precious life is, and how we must always lean on Him and ultimately not ask why? but what is God trying to tell, teach, show me?
I should probably give you some back story. My family has had a very rough few months. Back in May my husband lost his job, he was encouraged to resign, as it looks better on your teaching record apparently. Well this also meant, we later found out that he forfeited his unemplyoment.... they failed to tell him that. Then, we were living off our savings, and the money was literaly GONE! My family was going on vacation, and my parents paid our way, a humbling moment honestly, but appreciated. It was one of the most amazing 10 days of my life. My entire family was there, and we laughed more and loved more, and worshippe our Lord more than I can honeslty ever remember. We then returned home to discover that while we were away our hot water heater had burst and flooded our basement ruinign alot of our things. But it was all things that were relegated to the garage sale pile or Goodwill. So I wasn't TOO upset. But, it was VERY stressful. Mold was growing, our hot water heater had to be replaced, it wasnt to code apparently and that was an extra $2200.... GREAT!!!!!! Then we remembered we had purchased American Home Shield a few months ago on a whim... they paid $1100 for towards the water heater (not the code stuff though) Well we worked things out with our insurance company and they said make a detailed account of everything damamged or lost so we can cut you a check so you can replace them. I had forgotten that we carry FULL REPLACEMENT on our home and its contents! So we are receiving a sum that will be enough to continue to carry our family for a few more months. SO... i started thinking, when has something REALLY stressful been a blessing.
1. Diagnosis of Stage 4 endo, 3 months later I was PREGNANT!
2. My first mothers day, holding an 8 week old, our home was hit by a Tornado. $35,000 check MORE than covered the damage, new roof, new deck, fresh paint, fresh EVERYTHING. On an aging house we were going to have to really save to try and fix up!
3. Wes is laid off from a job, no income, gets in to Grad School, mostly because of reputation and favor, gets GRANT money to help us pay bills and for school, finds out it is 99% online and otherwise he gets to stay home and be with me and our daughter.
4. The Worst moment of my life. I awoke to find my daughter unresponsive and not breathing. She was twitching, I began CPR. about 15 minutes later she was out of the woods. Now you are thinking how is this a blessing. Well it is a blessing that I remembered CPR I was taught 10 years ago. It is a blessing she happened to be in our bed or we would have not found her until morning and it would have been too late. it was a blessing that I got a wake up call to spend more time with her, pay closer attention to her, because it could be gone too quickly, and even if we are only speaking of her youth, I will miss this stage when it is gone, so I better pay attention now.

So I ask you when has something really stressful, been a blessing. When have you been patienty tested? Also, I am working on an idea of paying it forward if you will. I want to be a blessing in others lives, I want to do something where we create a top ten needs list, and a top ten wants list, and see if through miracles and blessings we can't help others meet some of their needs and wants.
Anyway, if you are still with me thanks, and enjoy this... i found it today too... all signs pointing to one idea!


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