SO sorry I haven't announced the winner from the Linky party giveaway, or put up my tour for the Nesters party, but my computer was NOT cooperating yesterday! So with out further ado, the winner of the Magical Moments Pillow is JEN from Thank you to all who linked up and added comments! Jen just visit the shop and convo me which one you would like and your address and it will ship by Friday! Also, I do plan on still doing a tour, but i have to figure out why by computer isn't reading my camera card!grrr.... Have a great one, be back in a bit!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
My Christmas Wish List
Ok, so everyone keeps asking me what I want for christmas. It is a really hard answer to give. I really do not need for anything, and frankly there isn't much I want for. What I do tend to want is more expensive and not anything I would dare put on a list. But for myself I thought I would make my wish list. If I could have 5 things under the tree for purely selfish reasons what would they be...
1. $17,000 to have all of the remodel work I want done to our house paid for! (this includes giving me a laundry room that isn't in the basement, where the morons who lived here before me moved it to)
2. A table saw! I have just about every other saw and this would be the PERFECT addition to my tool collection.
3. A new Sewing Machine I have one, and it works well, but I hate it's button hole function!
4. 2 new soft box lights and stand. I love soft box lighting for studio work. Plus I plan to become involved with NILMDTS this year, and a small one may come in handy.
5. Oh and a serger!
So there is my top 5. I hope to make at least a few of them become a reality very soon.
What about you? Is there anything you would really love to have?
1. $17,000 to have all of the remodel work I want done to our house paid for! (this includes giving me a laundry room that isn't in the basement, where the morons who lived here before me moved it to)
2. A table saw! I have just about every other saw and this would be the PERFECT addition to my tool collection.
3. A new Sewing Machine I have one, and it works well, but I hate it's button hole function!
4. 2 new soft box lights and stand. I love soft box lighting for studio work. Plus I plan to become involved with NILMDTS this year, and a small one may come in handy.
5. Oh and a serger!
So there is my top 5. I hope to make at least a few of them become a reality very soon.
What about you? Is there anything you would really love to have?
Friday, December 11, 2009
I am officially done decorating!
SO I couldn't be more excited! I have officially finished my Christmas decorating and thank goodness, because I want to be ready for The Nesters Tour of Homes. 
So now I can focus on several of my handmade presents, and finishing my Etsy shopping. I decided for Christmas this year I was going to get most of my gifts from Etsy, or make them, and I have discovered SO many great Etsy stores. SOOO, I am going to start featuring a store once a week! We are such a talented group of crafters, artists, and bloggers, that we deserve a little nod every now and then. If you have an Etsy shop and would like to be considered for a feature let me know! I will start next week and already hae several atores in mind. I think it will be a lot of fun! Make sure to join the Linky party and Giveaway!

So now I can focus on several of my handmade presents, and finishing my Etsy shopping. I decided for Christmas this year I was going to get most of my gifts from Etsy, or make them, and I have discovered SO many great Etsy stores. SOOO, I am going to start featuring a store once a week! We are such a talented group of crafters, artists, and bloggers, that we deserve a little nod every now and then. If you have an Etsy shop and would like to be considered for a feature let me know! I will start next week and already hae several atores in mind. I think it will be a lot of fun! Make sure to join the Linky party and Giveaway!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Christmas Memory Linky Party and Giveaway!
I always enjoy linky parties, and who doesn't LOVE a giveaway! SO, I wanted to host a giveaway for Chistmas and make it a Linky Party. To participate you need to blog about your favorite Christmas memory from your childhood and then link it up to MckLinky! Make sure to mention in the post about the giveaway! Up for grabs is a Magical Moments Pillow Letter to Santa Pillow. You will get your choice of pillow to use for one of your own precious children or as a FABULOUS gift! The purpose of the pillow is to help create the magic of the season. For me the magic and wonder of this time of year makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! Also, coming soon, as in once things get a tad less stressful there will be prayer pillows, and tooth fairy pillows. I like the idea of Children writing letters to Christ or to their gaurdian angel. I digress, SO... blog, link it up, and on Monday. Dec 14th I will announce the winner!

Monday, December 7, 2009
Tuesdays Unwrapped and Little Chicken Designs GIVEAWAY
So I have been stressing a ton lately. I have been given so many blessings, that at times I think they may actually be trials. It frightens me to think that God is making me stretch and grow when all I want to do is go back to bed. Change is frightening to me and it has been a VERY interesting 6 months. Then in the midst of some craziness I was given clarity! A friend said "why are you affaid?: sounds an easy enough question to answer right? WRONG! I was dumbfounded. When faced with the facts, that God is in charge, that God is leading this change, that God is all knowing, loving, and merciful, what was I afraid of? That same day I found this:
Don't Worry about anything;
instead, pray about everything. Tell God waht you need and Thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.His peace will gaurd your minds and hearts as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
I LOVE that our Lord "speaks" to us when we need to hear him. I love that we guides us to his words over and over again. I love that our Lord gently reminds us. It makes me try so hard as a parent to guide gently.
In the spirit of blessings and giving I wanted to give, and I hope that in giving something made be me through blessings, you are blessed!
I wanted to host a giveaway for Chistmas! To participate you need to blog about your favorite Christmas memory from your childhood and then link it up to MckLinky! Make sure to mention in the post about the giveaway! Up for grabs is a Magical Moments Pillow Letter to Santa Pillow. You will get your choice of pillow to use for one of your own precious children or as a FABULOUS gift! The purpose of the pillow is to help create the magic of the season. For me the magic and wonder of this time of year makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! Also, coming soon, as in once things get a tad less stressful there will be prayer pillows, and tooth fairy pillows. I like the idea of Children writing letters to Christ or to their gaurdian angel. I digress, SO... blog, link it up, and on Saturday Dec. 12th I will draw the winner!
Busy Bee
Good Gracious I am busy! I am almost done puttin gup my tree and decorations. I am also almost done sewing for the year. I have almost started Lesley's new play room! OMG I can't wait to show it to you.
I mean to post everyday, I come up with great things, then when it comes time, I can't remember a thing! So I have decided that instead of keeping a pad of paper and pen with me at all times (because I enevitably lose the pen) I will start carrying a micro recorder with me to record what I am thinking... wonder if it will help? HA! Anyway, I have makign ornaments and all sorts of presents, and I hope to have time to show it all to you in the next few days so stay tuned.
PS: the bathroom redo that I started like 6 months ago is finally done! Will have pics up this week.
I mean to post everyday, I come up with great things, then when it comes time, I can't remember a thing! So I have decided that instead of keeping a pad of paper and pen with me at all times (because I enevitably lose the pen) I will start carrying a micro recorder with me to record what I am thinking... wonder if it will help? HA! Anyway, I have makign ornaments and all sorts of presents, and I hope to have time to show it all to you in the next few days so stay tuned.
PS: the bathroom redo that I started like 6 months ago is finally done! Will have pics up this week.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
So I am in the studio tonight with about 8 orders that are due out this weekend staring me in the face, and I am procrastinating. I can't get my embroidery machine to cooperate, and my sewing machine bobbin keeps balling up on me, needless to say I am frusterated. But, not nearly as frusterated as I would be if I didnt have my ever present play list keeping my favorite tunes playing to keep me mellow. I am really enjoying a few new artists I discovered a few weeks ago, Anya Marina, Keri Noble, John McLaughlin, and Nick Drake (who many people may have already known) I just discovered. So what keeps you sane when everything is falling apart?
Oh an I am SO EXCITED about NEW MOON! I can barely stand myself right now!
Oh an I am SO EXCITED about NEW MOON! I can barely stand myself right now!
Monday, November 9, 2009
But man was it good!! Saturday I went garage saleing and found SOME AWESOME stuff! I can't wait to take pics tomorrow and show you all what I plan on doing with all of it. Saturday afternoon I had a senior session then today we spent the ENTIRE day with our best friends. It is three couples, we have all been friends for close to 8 years! I am exhausted! We have such an exciting week ahead, I can't wait to get it started. OH and I will have my tour of my work room this week as well! Have a great night!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My Father
As I was preparing to write this tonight I was hit with wonder and awe, I have had several things relate back to a single idea all day. The idea that God gives and takes away. The thought that strikes me is that you never know when either will be a blessing. So then, as I was logging in to write this post, (I detoured to Faccebook) the peice that ties it all together was in front of me. I friend who is a flight attendant posted
"God blesses those people who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him" James 1:12
she was refrencing the fact that she is working 3 legs tonight with cranky people. LOL! Then, I read the post of another friend. Her cousin lost a son today. She had BG twins, and while at daycare the boy was put down for a nap, and no one noticed that he didnt wake up. God gives and takes away. Why? What is his reason? i have fought these thoughts so much over the last few months, to the point of depression. Then about 2 months ago I realized the trial can also be a blessing. Now I am not saying that losing a child is a blessing, but I was illustrating how precious life is, and how we must always lean on Him and ultimately not ask why? but what is God trying to tell, teach, show me?
I should probably give you some back story. My family has had a very rough few months. Back in May my husband lost his job, he was encouraged to resign, as it looks better on your teaching record apparently. Well this also meant, we later found out that he forfeited his unemplyoment.... they failed to tell him that. Then, we were living off our savings, and the money was literaly GONE! My family was going on vacation, and my parents paid our way, a humbling moment honestly, but appreciated. It was one of the most amazing 10 days of my life. My entire family was there, and we laughed more and loved more, and worshippe our Lord more than I can honeslty ever remember. We then returned home to discover that while we were away our hot water heater had burst and flooded our basement ruinign alot of our things. But it was all things that were relegated to the garage sale pile or Goodwill. So I wasn't TOO upset. But, it was VERY stressful. Mold was growing, our hot water heater had to be replaced, it wasnt to code apparently and that was an extra $2200.... GREAT!!!!!! Then we remembered we had purchased American Home Shield a few months ago on a whim... they paid $1100 for towards the water heater (not the code stuff though) Well we worked things out with our insurance company and they said make a detailed account of everything damamged or lost so we can cut you a check so you can replace them. I had forgotten that we carry FULL REPLACEMENT on our home and its contents! So we are receiving a sum that will be enough to continue to carry our family for a few more months. SO... i started thinking, when has something REALLY stressful been a blessing.
1. Diagnosis of Stage 4 endo, 3 months later I was PREGNANT!
2. My first mothers day, holding an 8 week old, our home was hit by a Tornado. $35,000 check MORE than covered the damage, new roof, new deck, fresh paint, fresh EVERYTHING. On an aging house we were going to have to really save to try and fix up!
3. Wes is laid off from a job, no income, gets in to Grad School, mostly because of reputation and favor, gets GRANT money to help us pay bills and for school, finds out it is 99% online and otherwise he gets to stay home and be with me and our daughter.
4. The Worst moment of my life. I awoke to find my daughter unresponsive and not breathing. She was twitching, I began CPR. about 15 minutes later she was out of the woods. Now you are thinking how is this a blessing. Well it is a blessing that I remembered CPR I was taught 10 years ago. It is a blessing she happened to be in our bed or we would have not found her until morning and it would have been too late. it was a blessing that I got a wake up call to spend more time with her, pay closer attention to her, because it could be gone too quickly, and even if we are only speaking of her youth, I will miss this stage when it is gone, so I better pay attention now.
So I ask you when has something really stressful, been a blessing. When have you been patienty tested? Also, I am working on an idea of paying it forward if you will. I want to be a blessing in others lives, I want to do something where we create a top ten needs list, and a top ten wants list, and see if through miracles and blessings we can't help others meet some of their needs and wants.
Anyway, if you are still with me thanks, and enjoy this... i found it today too... all signs pointing to one idea!
"God blesses those people who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him" James 1:12
she was refrencing the fact that she is working 3 legs tonight with cranky people. LOL! Then, I read the post of another friend. Her cousin lost a son today. She had BG twins, and while at daycare the boy was put down for a nap, and no one noticed that he didnt wake up. God gives and takes away. Why? What is his reason? i have fought these thoughts so much over the last few months, to the point of depression. Then about 2 months ago I realized the trial can also be a blessing. Now I am not saying that losing a child is a blessing, but I was illustrating how precious life is, and how we must always lean on Him and ultimately not ask why? but what is God trying to tell, teach, show me?
I should probably give you some back story. My family has had a very rough few months. Back in May my husband lost his job, he was encouraged to resign, as it looks better on your teaching record apparently. Well this also meant, we later found out that he forfeited his unemplyoment.... they failed to tell him that. Then, we were living off our savings, and the money was literaly GONE! My family was going on vacation, and my parents paid our way, a humbling moment honestly, but appreciated. It was one of the most amazing 10 days of my life. My entire family was there, and we laughed more and loved more, and worshippe our Lord more than I can honeslty ever remember. We then returned home to discover that while we were away our hot water heater had burst and flooded our basement ruinign alot of our things. But it was all things that were relegated to the garage sale pile or Goodwill. So I wasn't TOO upset. But, it was VERY stressful. Mold was growing, our hot water heater had to be replaced, it wasnt to code apparently and that was an extra $2200.... GREAT!!!!!! Then we remembered we had purchased American Home Shield a few months ago on a whim... they paid $1100 for towards the water heater (not the code stuff though) Well we worked things out with our insurance company and they said make a detailed account of everything damamged or lost so we can cut you a check so you can replace them. I had forgotten that we carry FULL REPLACEMENT on our home and its contents! So we are receiving a sum that will be enough to continue to carry our family for a few more months. SO... i started thinking, when has something REALLY stressful been a blessing.
1. Diagnosis of Stage 4 endo, 3 months later I was PREGNANT!
2. My first mothers day, holding an 8 week old, our home was hit by a Tornado. $35,000 check MORE than covered the damage, new roof, new deck, fresh paint, fresh EVERYTHING. On an aging house we were going to have to really save to try and fix up!
3. Wes is laid off from a job, no income, gets in to Grad School, mostly because of reputation and favor, gets GRANT money to help us pay bills and for school, finds out it is 99% online and otherwise he gets to stay home and be with me and our daughter.
4. The Worst moment of my life. I awoke to find my daughter unresponsive and not breathing. She was twitching, I began CPR. about 15 minutes later she was out of the woods. Now you are thinking how is this a blessing. Well it is a blessing that I remembered CPR I was taught 10 years ago. It is a blessing she happened to be in our bed or we would have not found her until morning and it would have been too late. it was a blessing that I got a wake up call to spend more time with her, pay closer attention to her, because it could be gone too quickly, and even if we are only speaking of her youth, I will miss this stage when it is gone, so I better pay attention now.
So I ask you when has something really stressful, been a blessing. When have you been patienty tested? Also, I am working on an idea of paying it forward if you will. I want to be a blessing in others lives, I want to do something where we create a top ten needs list, and a top ten wants list, and see if through miracles and blessings we can't help others meet some of their needs and wants.
Anyway, if you are still with me thanks, and enjoy this... i found it today too... all signs pointing to one idea!
A Resolution
So again it has been months! I am still reclaiming my life and with several set backs, we are finally getting there. We have been having some of the best and worst weather, so that has created obstacles. The biggest however has been our garage/basement. Our hot water heater burst, and $10,000 of damage later we are trying to rebuild. But enough about why I havent been around. I am here to say that I AM going to do better. I need this resource and outlet. I need to know there is a place where I can just say what I feel when I feel it and know that it isn't a big deal. So from here on out I will be open, honest, and hopefully insightful. I have done SO many projects that I need to share with you, so many ideas, SO many things that I barely know where to start! But I will start and it will be tonight!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hello is anyone there?
Ok so I realize it has been months! LOL, but I have a good excuse. Life sort of went in fast forward, and out of nowhere it is the middle of August and I am about to have surgery. I have also spent the majority of the summer "claiming" my house. We moved in here in March of 06, we spent the next 5 months graduating college, getting married, and starting new jobs. Within a year I was pregnant and on bed rest quite a bit, then you know I had a baby, our home was hit by a tornadoe, and needless to say I got busy! So here I am 3 years later and finally making my house my home! We are re doing the yard, the kitchen, both bathrooms, and soon enough the garage/basement will be partially closed in (fingers crossed.) oh and my photography business is doing well, and I am slowly but surely designing precious childrens clothes. Anyway, so there you have it. I promise to have pictures up soon.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Feature Friday

Welcome to the first installment of Feature Friday!
Today I am featuring a very talented and witty woman. Nikki from The Lucky Mrs.T! I have to admit up front that I am somewhat biased because this fantastic gal is my cousin. But more importantly she is FUN. She is a very strong Christian, a talented artist, a supportive wife, and fur baby momma to Daisy. Nikki is always changing things up and you will never know what to expect when visiting. Her Birthday is tomorrow and she and Jonathan (my favorite new cousin) will celebrate their first wedding anniversary in 9 short days! So don’t just take my word for it go check her out. She is great and I am blessed not only to know her in real life, but for her to be an amazing member of my family. Love you Cuz!
Today I am featuring a very talented and witty woman. Nikki from The Lucky Mrs.T! I have to admit up front that I am somewhat biased because this fantastic gal is my cousin. But more importantly she is FUN. She is a very strong Christian, a talented artist, a supportive wife, and fur baby momma to Daisy. Nikki is always changing things up and you will never know what to expect when visiting. Her Birthday is tomorrow and she and Jonathan (my favorite new cousin) will celebrate their first wedding anniversary in 9 short days! So don’t just take my word for it go check her out. She is great and I am blessed not only to know her in real life, but for her to be an amazing member of my family. Love you Cuz!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday Music Musings

WELCOME to Monday Music Musings. So I have decided that (hopefully) every Monday I will share with you music, be it an album, and artist, or just a song it will be music related. I know that I always love discovering new musicians, so I thought I would make a point to broaden my horizons and share what I find.
Today.... I want to tell you about Jack's Mannequin. WOW! I am in love! To start with both of their albums are fantastic. I love the piano and somewhat raw quality to the vocals. "The Glass Passenger" is the groups second album it chronicles McMahon's battle against Leukemia. It is raw, honest, and emotionally charged. There are several songs that are darker and some that are very up tempo but no matter the sound, the emotions of fear, fatigue, and ultimately survival are poignant! I for one have found the "The Resolution" is likely my new favorite song. With lyrics like "And I'm alive And I don't need a witness To know that I survived I'm not looking for forgiveness I just need light I need light in the dark as I search for the resolution" I feel that I am being let into a very personal place. I think what is so awesome about "The Glass Passenger" is it is personal. Most music isn't, and often it really has no significant meaning... that can't be said about this album. So check it out! Here is the website all of their work is available on Itunes as well! I hope you enjoy!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Care to come along?
So it has been a week and I am sure most of you have grown used to my random absences. I do apologize though; I wish I was better at blogging. I just feel I have nothing worth hearing. Therein lies the problem. I think a problem a lot of moms have and why so many of us have turned to blogging. We don’t really think what we have to say is too important, but we hope that someone will think that what we say matters. I have had a rough week, not like lately, no deaths in the family or natural disasters, but emotionally. I realized I missed “ME” the old me. The “me” before I was a mother, the “me” that read A LOT! The “me” that traveled, went to museums regularly, sought out new music, and tried anything new at least once. That version of me was confident, contemplative, intellectual and informed. I realized this week that I do not love this new not improved version of myself. Not in the sense that I am like an insecure teenager but more a person who just woke up and realized they were on the wrong track. Maybe this all sounds crazy, I am sure it does, but just maybe you too have had a moment when you realized you are changing and not for the better. Don’t get me wrong I love being a mom, but who said that I can’t be the old version of myself and still a mother? I think the old Lani is actually better suited to be a mother than this current version. So I guess my point is I am getting back to me. So be prepared for more blogs, more information about the world, things that inspire me, things that make me look at the world in new ways, and things that simply entertain me. I hope you are willing to join me.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Since 12 is my lucky number...
and that is how many FOLLOWERS I have now I thought I would share with you publically what several of you already now. I decided to start designing a childrens clothing line. This has always been something I wanted to do, and i had talked about it with a friend a while ago, then I decided "what am I waiting for?" I have so many ideas so I got started. I began designing, buying supplies, and equiptment, and prepapring. I set up a blog, (very soon to be a .com) I set up my Etsy shop, my paypal, and ordered my clothing labels. Well, then to my complete excitement my friend whom I had previously discussed this all with expressed her desire to do it with me!!!! You cant know how excited this makes me. Lindsey,, is one of my very best friends. She is someone that God seriously made just for me! I couldn't ask for a better friend and I am so excited for her to join me. She is so talented and I know that together you are going to just LOVE what we create. Our first few lines have already been designed and soon enough I will be sharing them all with you. So Since 12 is my lucky number I hope that my 12 followers will bring me amazing luck and success!
Ya'll Gotta Check This Out
Ladies you MUST go check out this giveaway! CHOCOLATE, Handbags, I mean need I say more! It's Mama Loco's 100th post giveaway and she is going to SPOIL someone!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Some Before and After Fun
I recently had the fun of finally convincing my sister to let me dress up her patio! it was in DESPERATE need and she was very resistant to "bother" with it. Well I convinced her and she gave me a budget of $80 so with that I did this! We got the seat cushions from Ross, and the curtains are just canvas drop clothes. She lives directly behind a grocery store and now you wouldn't notice much less care the patio is so comfortable. Check it out!
EDITED: My sister "claims" she doesnt have the before pictures, likely story I wouldn't want anyone to see the before either! HA!

EDITED: My sister "claims" she doesnt have the before pictures, likely story I wouldn't want anyone to see the before either! HA!

before and after,
What makes you angry?
So I have decided to join in a little linky fun. Stop by Kasey's Blog if you would like to join in.
Today's task: 5 things that just really get you fuzzed up (that means makes you mad)
1. People who do not own their issues. Be honest with yourself and everyone else. Own your actions. If your not willing to own up to something then dont do it!
2. This may sound trivial, but it makes me angry, or I should say irritated when people call my daughter a boy. I realize she has no hair, but seriously she is in PINK! Are you blind?? and NO I wont tape/glue/use toothpaste/ whatever else you crazy people suggest just to put a bow on her head. I realize it would make it easier for you strangers to know she is a girl, but I dont want to make her mad!

3. Poor service at restaurants. I realize your job is not the most fun, I know because I was there. I did your job for 2 years. And since I know hoe to do your job, I know just how Lazy your being! Trust me when service is bad because the hostess just triple sat you I will be TOTALLY patient... but I dont enjoy cold food or no beverage because you are too busy texting to do your job!
4. Dust Bunnies... I can literally handle mess, clutter, you name it. But I hate dust bunnies. I have two large dogs so I feel I am always at war with dust bunnies, and I dont think i will ever win the battle.
5. It really gets under my skin when people are negative. I understand we all have our days, and being moody is ok every now and then, but people who in general are negative really get under my skin. And it can be hard to be positive when things aren't going the best but there are always things to be thankful for and being thankful leads to being Positive! I just want to shake them and say "BE THANKFUL" I have had a REALLY rough years, but who cares? I dont want to spend my days being upset about it, I would rather be greatful for today and the gifts it will bring. BE THANKFUL for breathing, for a day without pain, for being able to eat, for having to many pajamas, for a bautiful, hysterical daughter ( or apparently son HA!) she is the most precious creation did I mention she always crosses her ankles
LOL TOO CUTE, an amazing husband
(who I could make another top 5 list for but wont) a family that is SO close
, friends that God brilliantly blessed me with.
You get the point Dont be negative.... be THANKFUL.

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Been busy for recovery
So I have been feeling ok. The past few days I have had a window of feeling pretty normal. So yesterday I spent that time with some old friends. It was Founders Day for my husbands Fraternity Kappa Sigma. But it wasn't just the guys it was thier families. It was SUCH a great day. They all got to meet Little Miss Lesley and couldnt get enough of her.
We got to meet several of the guys new babies. It is so cool to have friends like we do. Yesterday was special for several reasons but one of the main reasons was that it was the last day event at the fraternity house. The university has built a greek row and as of August the fraternity will be moving. We got to go on a tour of the new house, and it will be NICE!!! but the best part of the day was doing what we did best hanging on the porch! I will attach some pics once I feel up to getting on my desktop. This is my bad part of the day so for now on the couch with my laptop is all your getting. HA!

Lesley Claire
Friday, March 27, 2009
Here I sit recovering from sinus surgery and a tonsilectomy and I know you are all thinking dang I wish I could be that cool. Well I hate to break it to you... its kind of hard to pull this level of cool off. See I have bed-head, cotton balls up my noes a "drip pad" taped to my face under my nose, and have to "breathe" with my mouth wide open and choke just to drink. Ok SO now you tell me how COOL you have been and we will see just who is the coolest chick. I'll post a picture later once the codine has kicked in and all inhabitions go out the door.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
11 days
Yes I know it has been 11 days since my last post. I do apologize, but I have valid reasons for my absense. In the past 11 days I have worked, found out for certain that I have to have surgery, scheduled my surgery, dog sat and completely crate and manners trained an unruly beagle and lost 2 members of my family. PHEW! It makes me tired thinking back over it all. I lost 2 uncles, one from each side of my family. Both very dear to me. I am not quite ready to talk about them, but I probably will be soon. I have to get through the next few days first. I have all day tomorrow to prepare for my surgery. Tuesday I have 3 pre-op appointments, Wednesday I will travel to Birmingham, AL for my uncle's funeral, and Thursday travel home to have surgery. Needless to say I am stressed to the max, emotional, and anxious. I am just getting over the shocking passing of my other uncle 9 days ago. Anyway, I will definately be accpeting prayers over the next few days for emotional and physical healing. Ok so now I am off to do laundry, I have probably 7 loads to do before Tuesday.... yuck!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Birthday Celebrations
Ok So I have been under the weather so to speak! I have strep, or had whatever penecilan is taking care of business, but now because it is SO beautiful here is GA, my allergies are acting up! Strep throat and allergies can a girl catch a break. Anyway, that is the reason this post is so embarrassingly late. I wanted to share with you the birthday pictures from my sweet angels birthday. 

Friday, March 6, 2009
My Sweet Baby Girl

OK So today (3/6) my baby girl turned 1! I can't even begin to imagine how this happened... I mean where has the time gone. I never realized my life was on fast forward! So in honor of my miracle, I wanted to share a few then and now pictures of Lesley Claire.
PS: SO I have been trying to get this to post since yesterday and blogger has been giving my fits!
Lesley Claire
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Another Great Giveaway and Series!
So you must go check this out. I am a strong believer in repurposing things and what a better idea than to blog about it! Kimm is also hosting a giveaway!!! Check it out!
So you must go check this out. I am a strong believer in repurposing things and what a better idea than to blog about it! Kimm is also hosting a giveaway!!! Check it out!
Monday, March 2, 2009
MY IRL Best Friend is having a GREAT Giveaway! Check it out, but dont enter cause I want to win K? J/K Enter away or better yet go but great stuff from Etsy!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
What's Been Going On...
Well I woke up this morning with a KILLER migraine. I am not sure what brought it on but next came the vertigo. Thank goodness my husband was able to come home and help me. I was unable to even stand without losing my balance. He got me in bed and then gave me all of my very strong medicine for the migraines and vertigo. I was out like a light, and have honestly been in a fog the rest of the day. I did however this afternoon do some work. I am about an hour from finishing my bathroom remodel. I AM SO EXCITED! I wanted to put up some before and during pictures. So here is the before, I know it is terrible. I ahve hated these floors ever since we purchased the house but never have changed them, so Instead I decided a more inexspnsive option would be to chage the decore.

Here the paneling is up and the walls are painted.
Here is the begining of painting. Let me tell you, it took 6 coats of paint!! And here is the handy tool I made for painting behind the toilet. I know you can just undo the toilet and move it, but seriously no thanks! I just used a peice of craft wood, a ruler would work too, a peice of foam, and painters tape to hold it on! Yea me for figuring it out and not taking my toilet apart.
Ok So I will post the after pictures as soon as it is 100% Probably tomorrow... stay tuned!
before and after
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Where has the time gone?
I swear I have thought about blogging in the past few days, but there just hasn't been the time. I have been sick, but am feeling better now thank goodness!!! Lesley is getting bigger by the minutes and it seriously takes my breath away. She is such a cool little kid and she is mine... I am pretty lucky! Her FAVORITE thing to do is read "boos" She has been expanding her focabulary like wildfire. She now says, Mama, Dada, Dogs, Bless You, Baby, Various names, Books, Juice, Nurse, Paci, Chick, Turtle, Duck. Chick, Turtle and Duck she added today! Oh and Nose...
I have been SO many project the past two weeks, so keep an eye out over the next few days for alot of before and afters.
Just to make the announcement The Magic Brush,, won a $25 gift card of her choice for winning my contest and Claire,, won the giveaway! I will be sending out thier gifts this week, I hope they love them! Ok so I am off for now. Gotta go finish up some medicine and go to bed! I need my beauty sleep you know.

Just to make the announcement The Magic Brush,, won a $25 gift card of her choice for winning my contest and Claire,, won the giveaway! I will be sending out thier gifts this week, I hope they love them! Ok so I am off for now. Gotta go finish up some medicine and go to bed! I need my beauty sleep you know.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Prayer Warriors Needed
We need prayers friends. My friends sister is in need of prayers tonight. Kelly Mize is in the hospital in Florida fighting a scary battle. Out of no where Kelly an otherwise healthy 21 year old became very ill. They have done many tests only to have no answers. Her body is not producing red blood cells tomorrow she faces bone marrow testing to try and further determine her condition. The doctors are thinking possibly aplastic anemia. Ladies I know this prayer request will spread quickly and I trust all of the prayer warriors to answer the call. Ladies, please pray that our ultimate healer heal Kelly, pray that he guides the hands of her doctors and that she is healed. God is miraculous and I know that he can and will heal Kelly. Ladies please join me in lifting Kelly up without yielding until she is healed!
prayer request
Monday, February 2, 2009
Simple Womans Daybook
Join the fun!!
FOR TODAY Feb 2...
Outside my window... It is a cool and balmy day
I am thinking... of my contest and giveaway I am hosting... Its my first so I am really excited.
I am thankful for... showers... they just make you feek alive no matter how little sleep you have gotten
From the kitchen... nothing is happening... i need to go put the roast in though
I am wearing... Pj pants and a big T-shirt
I am creating... So many wonderful sewing creation! and designing new furniture to build
I am going... to the ENT today, here's hoping for relief
I am reading... nothing I am in between but I will be picking up an old favorite today Fried Green Tomatoes at The Whistle Stop Cafe
I am hoping... to get some sleep tonight... my little angle liek to get up and play in the middle of the night
I am hearing... my silly daughter babbling
Around the house... we are still in construction mode so its a mess
One of my favorite things... sweet kisses from my dogs
A few plans for the rest of the week: Sew, build a table, play more in the floor with Lesley and my fur babies Hannah and Fiona, and SLEEP!
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
FOR TODAY Feb 2...
Outside my window... It is a cool and balmy day
I am thinking... of my contest and giveaway I am hosting... Its my first so I am really excited.
I am thankful for... showers... they just make you feek alive no matter how little sleep you have gotten
From the kitchen... nothing is happening... i need to go put the roast in though
I am wearing... Pj pants and a big T-shirt
I am creating... So many wonderful sewing creation! and designing new furniture to build
I am going... to the ENT today, here's hoping for relief
I am reading... nothing I am in between but I will be picking up an old favorite today Fried Green Tomatoes at The Whistle Stop Cafe
I am hoping... to get some sleep tonight... my little angle liek to get up and play in the middle of the night
I am hearing... my silly daughter babbling
Around the house... we are still in construction mode so its a mess
One of my favorite things... sweet kisses from my dogs
A few plans for the rest of the week: Sew, build a table, play more in the floor with Lesley and my fur babies Hannah and Fiona, and SLEEP!
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Decorate My Roost

The Giveaway Prize is Valentine's themed and agian the contest winner(s) will get gift cards~
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
25 Things about ME!
I was tagged by Lindsey so here goes...
1. I have A.D.D. so finishing something like this that doesn't have prompts is VERY HARD for me. I am already getting antsy!
2. I went to my Alma Mater by default and am SO glad I did. Going to West Georgia changed my life.
3. I met my husband at a Sorority Crush Party. I saw him from across the room and I was SOLD!
4. While at West Georgia I joined a Sorority which led me to my husband and the best friend and little sis and girl could ask for!
5. You would never guess it, since I only wear make-up a few times a week, but I LOVE wearing make-up.
6. My husband proposed to me while holding our first four-legged baby Rocky a chihuahua. We lost him back in October and then I lost my ring at Christmas...
8. My wedding anniversary is June 24th but I was legally married on June 17th. In Alabama you can marry you 3rd cousin (no exaggeration) but a man cant change his last name.
9. I love shopping for new cars... I LOVE haggling and making deals.
10. I have a beautiful daughter who is a miracle, with stage 4 endo I was told I would never conceive.
11. I am always tired... my child doesnt sleep.
12. I love photography and am starting to develope a business for myself.
13. I LOVE decorating!
14. I am a packrat and hate it!
15. I hate grammar and have likely used poor grammar which will drive Lindsey CRAZY!
16. I am not at all like the mother I thought I would be which is good and bad.
17. I Love to garden and cant wait to do some major work this year in my backyard!
18. I have gotten sidetracked 4 times already and am having a hard time finishing this thing, but I refuse to quit something I just started.
19. I once won a social studies sompetition on the local, regional, and state level.
20. I was in honors chorus and went to state competitions, same with Drama... I won awards and stuff, I was an Honor Thespian. You know you are jealous!
21. I used to dance ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, and thanks to bad feet stopped and three foot surgeries later I cant even wear heels.
22. I loved a many parts of my wedding day, but I really hated my reception in alot of ways!
23. I married my soul mate and even though us both having A.D.D. makes things interesting I wouldnt have it any other way!
24. I have the most diverse and hysterical group of friends!
25. I have the most amazing Lord. He shows me daily how amazing he is and how perfect his love is!
Ok so I finished this and I should have been uploading the pics for the contest, but will tomorrow... SO I guess I tag you Laura! Tag your IT!!!
1. I have A.D.D. so finishing something like this that doesn't have prompts is VERY HARD for me. I am already getting antsy!
2. I went to my Alma Mater by default and am SO glad I did. Going to West Georgia changed my life.
3. I met my husband at a Sorority Crush Party. I saw him from across the room and I was SOLD!
4. While at West Georgia I joined a Sorority which led me to my husband and the best friend and little sis and girl could ask for!
5. You would never guess it, since I only wear make-up a few times a week, but I LOVE wearing make-up.
6. My husband proposed to me while holding our first four-legged baby Rocky a chihuahua. We lost him back in October and then I lost my ring at Christmas...
8. My wedding anniversary is June 24th but I was legally married on June 17th. In Alabama you can marry you 3rd cousin (no exaggeration) but a man cant change his last name.
9. I love shopping for new cars... I LOVE haggling and making deals.
10. I have a beautiful daughter who is a miracle, with stage 4 endo I was told I would never conceive.
11. I am always tired... my child doesnt sleep.
12. I love photography and am starting to develope a business for myself.
13. I LOVE decorating!
14. I am a packrat and hate it!
15. I hate grammar and have likely used poor grammar which will drive Lindsey CRAZY!
16. I am not at all like the mother I thought I would be which is good and bad.
17. I Love to garden and cant wait to do some major work this year in my backyard!
18. I have gotten sidetracked 4 times already and am having a hard time finishing this thing, but I refuse to quit something I just started.
19. I once won a social studies sompetition on the local, regional, and state level.
20. I was in honors chorus and went to state competitions, same with Drama... I won awards and stuff, I was an Honor Thespian. You know you are jealous!
21. I used to dance ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, and thanks to bad feet stopped and three foot surgeries later I cant even wear heels.
22. I loved a many parts of my wedding day, but I really hated my reception in alot of ways!
23. I married my soul mate and even though us both having A.D.D. makes things interesting I wouldnt have it any other way!
24. I have the most diverse and hysterical group of friends!
25. I have the most amazing Lord. He shows me daily how amazing he is and how perfect his love is!
Ok so I finished this and I should have been uploading the pics for the contest, but will tomorrow... SO I guess I tag you Laura! Tag your IT!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Contest
The Contest is coming. I have decided to host a contest in order to get great ideas for how to redecorate my living room. I am going to post pictures and color samples so that everyone knows what I have to work with and what I have already chosen for the new space. The rules are pretty simple to give me your ideas in the form of a comment, or if you want to blog your idea and link me to it in a comment that will work too. Blogging the idea will give you more room and the ability to use photos, and will give me a broader picture. I will leave it up at least a week, really think about each entry and decide what I feel inspired me most. Their will be several prizes. At least 2 maybe more if I feel that several people really influenced me. I know the prizes will be gift cards to either, Home Depot, Wal-mart, Target, Lowes, Hobby Lobby, or if you really have a love for a different card and I can easily get it I will do that as well. So there you have it. Also each person that enters will have their name in the hat for a prize unrelated to the contest. If you blog about it contest you will get entered 2 more times. So there are PLENTY of ways to win. I will be putting up the contest probably tomorrow night or Thursday. So STAY TUNED!!!!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Blogging from the road
So I am blogging from the road. I am tired and ready to be home. My goal is to get the laundry done tonight and all of my hubby’s vocabulary worksheets for the week written. I have had such a wonderful few weeks, and it seems like things just keep getting better. It honestly makes me wonder if something bad is going to happen. I am just keeping faith that the lord is blessing us right now and that things will only get better, but if you knew all the crap we have been through in the past 2 years, you would know why I am cautiously optimistic. Anyway, I had a great weekend in Augusta for my Mother-in-law’s 50th birthday and I also got my birthday presents from them, a really pretty engraved necklace and a little spending money! We had a really good time. I am glad to be getting home though because I have so many things that I want to accomplish over the next few weeks. It is going to be very busy. I have to pressure wash my decks and prep them to be re stained and painted, paint my cabinets, get new hardware, new light fixtures, countertops and floors all in the kitchen, all the while hopefully we can start construction on the remodel. I want all of this and the landscaping done by June. I want to enjoy my summer not just continuously work on the house. I hope to start grad school this summer, so I need to get my house and life in order. OH! My beautiful girl is starting to stand for a few seconds on her own, I am pretty sure walking is just around the corner…. I need to get serious about baby proofing! I want to host a competition. I am thinking of the exact rules, but it will be up this week. It will be a design competition and it will have at least 2 winners. That much I have figured out. So stay tuned for that.
Lesley Claire,
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A giveaway...
Dani at icrafty is hosting a giveaway in honor of her 100th post! Go check it out!
We need to be praying!
There is some kindred bond between mothers and at this time that bond feels very strong. There is a brand new mommy in need of our prayers. Kelly had her precious girl 3 days ago and all seemed fine at first but quickly that changed. Please visit Kelly's Korner let her know you are there for her and praying for her!
There is some kindred bond between mothers and at this time that bond feels very strong. There is a brand new mommy in need of our prayers. Kelly had her precious girl 3 days ago and all seemed fine at first but quickly that changed. Please visit Kelly's Korner let her know you are there for her and praying for her!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
It's My Birthday and I'll be a bum if I want to!
So I had an awesome party last night, all of my friends came and we had a great time! Rockband and Wii were enjoyed by all, as were the margaritas and food! But today, at least for 2 more hours I am giong to be a bum. I am going to stay in my pjs, curl up on the couch, and watch a movie. Then I will get up and go celebrate with my family!!! I am off to go be a bum! Have a GREAT DAY!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Where have you been?!?
Well needless to say the house re-do keeps rollign along... right across me as it goes! I am SO tired. The only thing keeping me going is the fact that I have a house full of guests coming over on Friday for my brithday party!!! Only a miracle will get this house in order in time! I am currently between a few projects, laundry, hanging beadboard, and re puttying the ceiling from the storm damage! You are also probably saying Lani what about that give away you talked about... and I promise it will be up before Feb... and that's a promise! Well I am off to go get the baby down in hopes of getting more wood cut before the cold snap tonight. Be back tomorrow!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The Simple Woman's Daybook

Join the fun:
FOR TODAY Jan 11... yes it is a little early but I wont have time tomorrow
Outside my window... is a COLD and windy night
I am thinking... of reminding myself to stay thankful even though what I am thankful for is wearing me out! (home renovations)
I am thankful for... the BEAUTIFUL door I found on Craigslist for $10!!!!!
From the kitchen... nothing is brewing... our entire downstairs is upside down with paint and putty!
I am wearing... yoga pants Nursing tank and a cumphy t-shirt
I am creating... so many wonderful things in my head while I reputty the ceiling in my licing room! I have designed my new porch set up, a table, some planters, and some really adorable decorations for Lesley's First Birthday Party which will be in less than 2 months... ( I can't believe it)
I am going... to try and get caught up on laundry before bed
I am reading... a new food and wine magazine
I am hoping... to get SO much accomplished before my birthday party this friday. I have to cook all day Friday!
I am hearing... Lesley "talking" and trying to figure out the dog kennels....
Around the house... its chaos hence why I keep escaping in my mind to design other things
One of my favorite things... this may sounf terrible, but Lesley was SO tired earlier and was balling, something she almost never does, but it sounded like her little baby cry... I realized how much I loved that little cry and how I miss it! I have such a big girl now!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Finish reputtying, touch up paint on one wall (missed a spot or two), measure for crown molding, repaint bathroom, hang beadboard, paint it, clean and organize my "craftroom", LAUNDRY!!!, and cook for my birthday party. HOW I AM GOING TO BE BUSY!!!
Here is picture thought I am sharing... Lesley enjoying blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries for the first time! I love that she looks like a T-rex that has just eatin though!! LOL Thank God for his amazing blessings!!!

The Simple Womans Daybook
Monday, January 5, 2009
The Simple Womans Daybook

FOR TODAY January 5th
Outside my window... it is raining steadily and I hear thunder in the distance
I am thinking... about finishing putting away her Christmas Decorations
I am thankful for... My bed, I only had 3 hours of sleep last night so heres hoping!
From the kitchen... I just finished making trail mix
I am wearing... blue jeans, a t-shirt, and fuzzy slippers
I am creating... a million things, but a new craft room is in the works
I am going... to finish putting away my christmas decortions and reorganize my living room before bed
I am reading... blogs for organization inspiration
I am hoping... to be more productive tomorrow
I am hearing... the noises of a 10 month old that wants to stay awake
Around the house... there are 10 million projects half way done. I think I need to pick one a day and start finishing them before they consume me.
One of my favorite things... my silly baby girl when she eats berries.... it looks like a t-rex is eating some prey
A few plans for the rest of the week: make stew half to eat half to freeze, clean out my closet and drawers, walk EVERYDAY, eat right, and shed a few pounds.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...This picture is of my Daughter right after we has her blessing/christining on the beach in Destin. I think she looks like and angel!

The Simple Womans Daybook
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Where to begin?
It has been two weeks since I last posted, and I have been BUSY! Aside from Christmas and New Years we have been doing come major work around the house!! I am so excited, but man am I tired!!! I had planned on doing a give away before Christmas but that didn't happen as you can see. So what have I been up to well A LOT! WE have rebuilt railings on our decks that were destroyed by a tornado, we have closed in a good portion of our attic to use as storage so that we can close in our basement. Then there was sewing all of my hand made Christmas presents and then Christmas and New Years! it has been a tad busy! Tomorrow we will replace light fixtures, Saturday go pick out new tile and hopefully some area rugs. So I will be posting Tons of before and afters before you know it! So for now I leave you with my Christmas photos. I promise I'll be back this weekend.... I just needed to catch my breath!

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